Stepsons' Debut EP "Where You Came From" Describes Life As Everything in Motion

By: Mallory Haynes

Some may have trouble finding the words to describe the bittersweet feelings of letting go and moving on - but Andrew Capra of Stepsons has perfected it. In their upcoming debut EP, “Where You Came From,” Stepsons intertwines heartwarming strums of an acoustic guitar with powerful lyrics tackling themes of life on the road. Their five-track EP narrates the ups and downs of Capra’s life-changing move from Los Angeles to Nashville.

The EP opens with Stepsons’ lead single, “L.A. Morning,” which reflects on Capra’s eagerness to leave L.A. Though he had spent so much time in the city, Capra rarely ever made it to the ocean. “I had gotten comfortable and complacent in L.A., and from the minute I visited Nashville I was inspired. My wife and I promptly moved,” said Capra of his decision to uproot his life. Listeners can tell that Capra is thrilled about embarking on his new life. As he sings “My heart is open for the first time / Since I saw those city limit signs,” we know he’s feeling hopeful about his future.

With powerful imagery, the next track, “Where You Came From,” delivers an important message about the passage of time. Capra stresses the importance of remembering your roots despite the rapid speed at which life moves, singing “And it all goes flying by / But you gotta carry on / And always remember where you came from.” This track is a perfect reminder to any listener struggling with change, assuring us that though it may be painful, we have to keep moving. The centerpiece of the EP, “Everything In Motion,” is an emotional track about packing up and leaving everything you know, and maybe even losing yourself in the process. The nostalgic nature of the track makes it sound as if it belongs on the soundtrack of a road trip movie. The next track, “Life on the Bright Side,” is a continuation of this theme, urging listeners to break free of regrets and mistakes that hold them back from living their lives.. With lyrics such as, “the road turns and you can’t keep looking back,” we are reminded that life continues on and we can’t keep spending it looking at the things you may have done wrong.

As the EP comes to a close with “Year of the River,” a much slower pace arrives. This track is a somber ballad describing the difficulties one faces in a relationship when they choose not to surrender themselves to love. This final song shows an emotional end to a journey along with a call to action: change. “If love is a surrender, then i cannot recall / if i’ve ever let go quite enough to be in love at all,” depicts Capra questioning himself; perhaps even yearning to succumb to the surrender of love in the future.