StrateJacket Let Loose and Tease EP with ‘Be My Drug’ and ‘Bad Start’

Launching a project right before a pandemic and the subsequent process came with setbacks and unexpected gifts, but it ensured singer-guitarist Jackson Roemers, bassist Fabian Angel and drummer Nate Mangold of StrateJacket had all the experience they needed to finally release their first EP this May. Angel shared the band’s experience with Heart Eyes and gave us a firsthand account of what it’s like to start from the ground up, twice.

You launched as a band right before the pandemic started. What was that like for you professionally and emotionally?

Launching a band right out of the pandemic was an experience like no other. When starting our journey we faced many roadblocks like venues having new rules, local bands disbanding due to the pandemic, and this was our first time in the music scene with no direction on how we’ll approach trying to get other gigs. There were a lot of tough moments like trying to fit all our gear in one car and leaving a killer show with only $12. But we had each other to rely on. Although we were stuck in a crappy situation, we made the best out of it.

How has being from the Bay Area impacted your trajectory? 

There are so many amazing people from the Bay Area that have influenced who we are as a band. We are fortunate to be surrounded by many likeminded individuals who love music as much as we do. The Bay Area music scene is very welcoming and we are very fortunate to have started our journey here.

You still released music in 2020. How did your difficult launch experience impact your songwriting and your overall approach to the industry?

Releasing music in 2020 didn’t feel necessarily difficult. It was hard for us to expose music to people who didn’t already know us. But there was something freeing about releasing music in 2020, we didn’t feel any bit of pressure. It was a great way for us to develop our sound. We were able to tackle songwriting in a comfortable manner.

You credit a sonically diverse group of artists with inspiration for your music, including The Beatles, Blink-182 and Zeppelin. How do you combine the themes of such different artists and eras to create a cohesive sound?

Each amazing band has something important to offer. The Beatles helped with songwriting, Zeppelin helped with overall energy, Blink allowed us to appreciate great tones from each member. I can keep going on how each band has influenced us but the most important takeaway is that every great band is great for a reason. It doesn't matter if they’re from the '70s, '80s, or '90s. Each band unknowingly made and shaped who we are now by just being themselves.

Your single “Bad Start” received a warm welcome. It’s the first track you released in nearly two years. How did you grow as a band between your earlier singles and “Bad Start?”

"Bad Start" was a great first song to release to show who we are as a band. We’ve been recently getting into more bands in the same soundscape from our genre and even older bands to see what we can do differently with our sound. Inspiration can strike from anywhere really and we aren’t afraid of trying out new ideas. 

Now you’re following up with “Be My Drug.” This track has a more polished sound while maintaining the rough alt/pop-punk angst. What’s the story behind this one? Is it an indicator of the direction your upcoming music will take?

"Be My Drug" was a comparison between love and withdrawal. We are really happy with how this track turned out. A lot of work has been put into this song and it showcases our sound really well. This song will definitely resonate with our other releases in the future. The energy, the instrumentation and the creativeness is key to who we are as a band.

What are you most excited about as we look ahead to the upcoming tunes?

We’re excited to be able to play these songs for you guys in person! We just started our first mini tour and we’re looking forward to being able to play our track for people in different parts of the country. 

What can we expect from StrateJacket in the future?

We started traveling to different states for shows so keep an eye out for us this coming summer. We just released “Be My Drug” and we are excited to say that we are going to release more tracks very soon. 

On a personal note.. what’s your go-to dipping sauce? It’s important.

Ranch and BBQ sauce. S-tier dipping sauce in our opinion.

For the StrateJacket boys, energy and hopes are high. If you want to feel it for yourself, check them out on tour this season and pre-save their self-titled EP, out May 10, here.

Until then, you can stream “Bad Start” and “Be My Drug” to hold you over.