By: Hailey Hale

If you’ve been anywhere near the indie-pop scene these past couple of years, there's a high chance you’ve heard of the Nashville-based trio Nightly, and if you haven’t be prepared for your newest music obsession. Comprised of cousins Jonathan Capeci and Joey Beretta along with drummer Nick Sainato, the band already has a full arsenal of hits under their belts with their top single ‘XO’ amassing over 8 million streams.  The band is not ready to stop there as their newest single and rising hit “the movies” has been gaining traction since it’s release. Now they’re ready to take the song to new heights by releasing their collaborative take of “the movies” that features singer Charli Adams. Between the promotion of the new single and relentless recording for a future project, I got the chance to talk with the band about all things Nightly.

So, you guys are releasing a collaborative version of your song “the movies” on Friday, what was the process like with writing and adding in Charli Adams’ part? Do you think it adds a new meaning to the song or just enhances the previous message? 

It’s actually an idea we had while we were on tour in January. I called Charli and she was into it as well. So we actually wrote the lyrics to her second verse over the phone while she was in Nashville and we were driving through Utah. When we were writing it, we thought it’d be cool for it to tell another side to the story by twisting the lyrics slightly.

What inspired the collaboration?

We’ve always just been big fans of Charli’s music. We asked her to open our Nashville show in 2019 and have become really good friends since!

On the topic of collaborations, if you could choose one person or band to create a track with, who would it be with and what would the tone/sound of the song be?

Tough one! So many people who inspire us out there. Pretty big fans of the Japanese House —I feel like that would be a cool vibe. Also, have some friends in a band called Sawyer and I think a collab with them would be sick.

You guys have recently come off of your biggest headlining tour to date, what was your favorite moment? How did you prepare in the weeks before?

Honestly couldn’t pick a favorite moment, it was literally the best thing we’ve done to date. We actually didn’t have as much time as we normally do before tours, so we were pulling like 12-15 hour days rehearsing and designing the show.

You guys recently signed with BMG, which is huge, how does it feel to be signed to

a new label? 

Feels great! (We) really love the BMG team. Excited to be putting out a bunch of music this year.

Since you just signed with a new label, are there any new projects we should be keeping an eye out for? If so, can we get a time frame for the release?

Definitely a bunch of new music coming this summer and fall.

I’ve noticed that you guys haven’t put out any vinyl yet. If you had to create one for your next project what would it look like?

Oooo we’d love to make a vinyl. Feels like we’ll do that for our debut full length, and I do have artwork in mind, but I can’t give that away yet!

I’ve seen that there are tons of fans that have gotten Nightly inspired tattoos, how does it feel knowing that your music has inspired people so greatly that they have your lyrics permanently on them?

So wild. It still blows me away every time I see it. We truly have the best fans.

Your music is very versatile in the sense that it can’t be pinned under just one genre, what 3 genres inspire you guys the most in the music-making process?

We don’t really think about genre too much during the creative process, and truthfully I think consumers are caring less and less about it. We sorta just do what feels good when we’re writing. We definitely pride ourselves on being a band but beyond that, I think we just want to sound like ourselves.

On Instagram you guys have been very open about the struggles and roadblocks that the band has hit recently so,if you could give one piece of advice to any aspiring artists on how to get through conflicts, what would it be?

Just do what you love and believe in yourself. If you make music for any other reason than loving it, it’s not worth it. Don’t try to impress or appease the powers that be. The power is in you.

Now for a fun one! If you could make your music into an ice cream what the flavor be and what would you name it?

Ok, there is this flavor of ice from Salt and Straw that’s got Lucky Charms' marshmallows in it and it's so good. So I’d steal that and maybe call it Night Cap. I don’t know that’s the best I got haha.

I know that we’re still at the beginning of the year and you guys have already accomplished so much, but what is the biggest goal you guys want to accomplish before 2020 is over?

Really just want to release a bunch of music this year. (We) would love to tour again soon but everything is kinda on hold with the state of the world, So till then we’re just gonna keep releasing music!

Lastly, if there’s anything you’d like to share with your fans and our readers, whether it be about the future of the band or just something that has been on your minds, what would it be?

Couldn’t do this without you and hope to see you all soon.

With so many big plans for the future and so many goals already achieved, it’s safe to say that we’ll be hearing a lot more from Nightly, and we are so excited about it. Make sure to stream “the movies” by Nightly feat. Charli Adams out on 4/24 and keep an eye out for all their future endeavors.

Links to Nightly: