A Chat with Bahari

By: Angela Smith

Bahari, an electronic duo based out of LA, recently released their single “Crashing” with Denver-based producer Illenium. The single conveys power and is very much a sing-along anthem. Bahari has collaborated with other incredible producers such as Zedd and Grey over the last few years, and have also released the songs “Chasers” and “Savage” in the last year. I had the opportunity to talk to Bahari about “Crashing” and their plans for 2019, here’s what they had to say:

HEM: You just released “Crashing” with Illenium, how did that song and collaboration come about?

Bahari: We wrote that song about a year ago and then we really loved it and wanted to put it out in a way that we didn’t really know how to make the track perfect. So when he came in and made the track with us we were like, “okay this is so cool” we became good friends with him and we just loved it and put it out.

HEM: You have been a group for a while now, what’s been your best memory?

Bahari: There’s quite a lot. I guess going on tour was so fun and we’re really looking forward to doing it again. That is something that has really stuck with us because it’s such a special experience. Yeah and performing is something we love so much.

HEM: Where’s your favorite place that you’ve been on tour?

Bahari: I think one of the favorite places that we went on tour was to Canada and we played a festival in Quebec. It was crazy fun and everyone there was so nice to us. The food was amazing, they gave us cheese backstage. It was the best thing ever. The audience was crazy because it was an outdoor festival so it was a very different type of show. It was very fun.

HEM: What’s your favorite festival you guys have played?

Bahari: It would probably be that one, it was called Festival de Quebec. It was a fun time, and there were so many people in the crowd. We were right before Alessia Cara and Selena Gomez so there were a lot of people there, it was crazy.

HEM: What’s your dream collaboration?

Bahari: Right now it would be, Louis The Child, Lana Del Rey, there are so many. Major Lazer is a big one, love Major Lazer. Louis The Child is kind of what we’ve been listening to a lot lately so that’s the main one.

HEM: Do you have any goals or plans for 2019?

Bahari: To tour and we also want to put out a body of work. We want to put out an EP or an album that we’ve been working on everyday this year pretty much. We’ve been in the studio working on new music, all different kinds of songs and just seeing which ones we want to put out.

HEM: Finally, what is your favorite song you’ve made?

Bahari: Ever? Does it have to be out? I think “Wild Ones,” because it was the first song we put out together and its emotional.It connected with people which is kind of what our goal is as a band and that was the song that got the most reaction. It was really unexpected too because we kind of just put it out and we wrote that on Natalia’s couch and then went to the studio, recorded it and put it out. It’s still one of my favourite song to perform, I don’t get sick of it. I love it. It’s definitely that one or “Crashing,” yeah we love “Crashing.” Yeah, “Crashing” is one of our favourite songs. Especially to have someone like Illenium come in and make it so much more powerful.