Knox Hamilton

Alternative band Knox Hamilton consists of Boots Copeland (vocalist), Cobo Copeland (drums), and Drew Buffington (guitar). I got to chat with Boots about their new single "Trade My Trips" and the influences behind it. 

By Ky Kasselman

HEM: Congratulations on your new single Trade My Trips! How is this single different from your debut album, The Heights? How is this single reflective of music that is yet to be released?

Boots: Thanks so much! 

I think this new direction we’re going in is reflective of our growth as producers and even engineers. It was cool and challenging to produce and engineer some of our own songs. It’s experimental for us in that aspect that we’re getting out of our comfort zones, but it’s still familiar to our fans in that we’re the same positive group of southern hippies; still trying to write the perfect love song for the perfect person, whether either thing exists is irrelevant of course. 

This collection of tunes will be a much different energy mostly. We’re not really writing for any certain genre but just writing and recording whatever sounds best with the song and idea no matter the influence or inspiration musically. 

HEM: Can we expect an album anytime soon? How about a tour?

Boots: YES and we hope very very soon.

HEM: Can you elaborate a little on what the song is about?

Boots: This song is love letter to the people who’ve put their lives on hold so we could pursue our dreams. 

HEM: What do you want people to take away from not only this song, but your other music as well?
Boots: We always want to spread love and hope. Enough with the other stuff, ya know?

HEM: You start the verses in the song with “Hey future.” Is there anything you wish you could tell your past self about your current present and future?
Boots: Care about things. There is nothing worse than going through life acting like you’re indifferent and “too cool.”

You can listen to Knox Hamilton's new single "Trade My Trips" on Spotify and Apple Music now! 

Trade My Trips, a song by Knox Hamilton on Spotify